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Statistics for Business and Economics, 9th Global Edition, E-Learning with e-book, MylabStatistics

product title: Statistics for Business and Economics, 9th Global Edition, E-Learning with e-book, MylabStatistics

ISBN: 9781800060746

Regular price
€ 49,99
Tax included
* You will receive the access code for digital products between 24 to 48 hours.

Paul Newbold

William Carlson

Betty Thorne


Statistics for Business and Economics enables students to conduct serious analysis of applied problems rather than running simple “canned” applications. This text is also at a mathematically higher level than most business statistics texts and provides students with the knowledge they need to become stronger analysts for future managerial positions.


MyLab™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.

Please note - After purchasing, you will receive an e-mail with an access code and details on how to log in. You will need a Course ID to access the E-learning content.

There are two ways you can access your product:

Your instructor or lecturer has provided you with a Course ID for your course or you access the Self-study course by entering this Course ID: nordic62447


Note: you order the e-learning including the e-book